We would like to congratulate Innovation Drywall on the launch of their new website. Their highly-skilled team creates visionary rooms for both commercial and residential customers.
If you are in the skilled trades industry, innovation, or the “application of better solutions” means having a website to showcase your services. Innovation Drywall in Kelowna BC is now online, allowing new opportunities to educate their community on what they do as drywallers and insulation experts, and opening their door 24/7 for online contacts. Galleries provide the inspiration that customers need to move forward with their renovation plans and if you work in partnerships with contractors, a website will market your business as legitimate and professional.
Our search engine optimized websites show up in the top listings of Google and positive reviews and comments are a vital key to marketing. Building an online presence takes time, but as you generate interest in your business, the obvious profits will follow.
If you work in the trades, we can build you a website that gets attention and closes the gap on your competitors. Infotel Multimedia is the Thompson-Okanagan’s leading provider of marketing, advertising and web services. Call us for a friendly, no-obligation chat: 250-260-7776
You can view the Innovation Drywall listing our Infonews.ca business directory.