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Our site design process – in 10 easy steps
Our content collector will be working with you step by step from concept to completion on your website ensuring we exceed your expectations. There’s a process we follow to make sure everything is in order as we build a client’s new site, and here it is; We receive...
5 (Not So Obvious) Mistakes You’re Making with AdWords
Mistakes in Google AdWords Aren't Always Obvious We all make mistakes with Google Ad Words. Seriously, all of us. It's a tricky platform to navigate around, let alone optimize. Generating steady revenue from Google AdWords is entirely possible (ask our clients!) - but...
Keyword Stuffing is Not the Way to Higher Search Engine Placement
If we had a dollar for every time we said or heard “keyword” in the Infotel office, our boss might have a hard time getting us to show up for work. (Sorry.) There’s a reason though. Keywords are the absolute fundamentals of great SEO & SEM practices. They are the...